{Planer Vlogg} Tips för bröllopsplanering om mat & Drycker

Vi kommer till er idag med ett bröllopsplaneringstips om mat & drycker. Appetizers allow you to confidently go off to do family/wedding party photos without wondering what your guests are doing the whole time! Så, how to choose your food & beverages when planning for your wedding reception? Let’s check our wedding planner Tricia how to chat about that.

{Bröllopsplanerare- Tricia Bachewich}

Hej! Jag är Tricia, huvudplaneraren och ägaren till Tricia Bachewich Events, ett boutiqueföretag för bröllopsplanering i Winnipeg, som etablerades i 2016.



{Vlogg- Tips för bröllopsplanering om mat & Drycker}

Bröllopsinbjudningar som nämns i video: EWFI033

{Detaljer om vlogg}

Hej allihopa! Vi kommer till er idag med ett bröllopsplaneringstips om mat & drycker.

Appetizers allow you to confidently go off to do family/wedding party photos without wondering what your guests are doing the whole time!

#Tips for You

  1. When looking at ordering your appetizers, choose something crowd pleasing and be mindful of dietary restrictions.
  2. Choose something hearty and high in protein to avoid early intoxication.
  3. Choosing items that are crowd pleasing or easy to eat while mingling/chatting is ideal. No one wants to be stuck carrying a little dish or a skewer around.
  4. Include all pertinent information on your bröllopinbjudningar including your late night snack. You don’t want your guests to leave early before an important part of the evening.
  5. When ordering your late night snack, you will want to order for 50-75% of your guests. Not everyone will be staying until the end of the night, and some people won’t want to eat that late at night.



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