ヴィラ カタラナ セラーズでのモダンなロマンスに満ちた夏の駆け落ち結婚式

ロマンチックなテクスチャーと洗練されたシックな装飾が、オレゴン州にヨーロッパの雰囲気をもたらすモダンなロマンスウェディング撮影で出会います。! Villa Catalana Cellars was the perfect canvas for this summertime elopement, its gardens have a Mediterranean feel featuring palms, Italian Cypress, and olive trees that make you feel as if you’ve been transported to Spain. アルストンメイガーイベント dreamed up the unforgettable day and filled it with swoon-worthy details, and organic florals in earth-tones by Swoon Floral Design are the perfect compliment to the dreamy aesthetic. The day was artfully captured by Lauren Lee Photography, see all of the artful imagery in the フルギャラリー.

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