{Suunnittelija Vlog} Easily Overlooked Things in Wedding Invitation Wordings

There are lots of things that you should (obviously) include in your häät kutsut, but there are also lots that may easily get overlooked! Include more information, than you think that you might need, on your kutsut! Let’s check our professional wedding planner tricia talk about Easily Overlooked Things—the location of your wedding, and we don’t just mean physical location.

{Hääsuunnittelija- Tricia Bachewich}

Hei! Olen Tricia, Tricia Bachewich Eventsin pääsuunnittelija ja omistaja, putiikki hääsuunnitteluyritys Winnipegissä, joka perustettiin vuonna 2016.



{Vlogi- Easily Overlooked Things in Wedding Invitation Wordings}

Videossa mainitut hääkutsut: EWWS299

{Vlogin yksityiskohdat}

Hei kaverit! Nimeni on Tricia, Olen Tricia Bachewich Eventsin omistaja ja johtava suunnittelija.

We understand how difficult write wordings for wedding cards. You want to write a lot, but you always forget some important things.
Today we want to share some tips about the location of your wedding with you, hope it can make it just a bit easier!

#Vinkkejä sinulle

  1. If you are hosting your wedding in a field, or a backyard, include that in your hääpaperit! Guests will need to dress appropriately and stilettos in a field just wouldn’t work.
  2. If you are preparing a cash bar, mention it in your hääkutsupuku! Your guests will need to know to bring cash so they can purchase their drinks throughout the evening. A lot of reception venues don’t have an ATM onsite, which may end up resulting in them leaving early.
  3. If you are paying for entertainment later in the evening (like a band or photobooth), you may have quite a few guests that aren’t around for those items if they are ill prepared. siksi, it is necessary to declare it in your wedding cards!

# Lopuksi Suositus- Foil Hääkutsut

Kiitos vielä, että noudatat hääsuunnitteluvinkkejämme! Tässä ovat foiled vellum wedding invitations.

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  • Älä epäröi ottaa yhteyttä www.elegantweddinginvites.com, siellä on asiantuntijaneuvoja, joka odottaa sinua.
  • Toivottavasti pidit siitä ja kutsumme sinut jakamaan tämän postauksen!
  • Seuraa meitä sosiaalisessa mediassamme: Facebook / Instagram/ Pinterest / youtube : @elegantweddinginvites ja @triciabachewichevents

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