Луксозният сватбен фотограф Ребека Йейл за това, че е член на Vow Pro+ и подкрепя кампанията на Vow за Международния ден на момичетата

Всяко момиче заслужава свободата да мечтае и да решава собственото си бъдеще, включително и когато става въпрос за брак. ОБЕТ за момичета (ОБЕТ) е growing global movement that partners with brands, двойки, and the wedding industry to end the international child marriage crisis around the world.

VOW was founded by Mabel van Oranje, an avid human rights activist, who had an “aha” moment at a wedding where a couple asked for donations in lieu of gifts, which inspired her to marry the wedding industry to the international child marriage crisis, an issue she championed.

In recognition of International Day of the Girl on Monday, октомври 11, 2021 VOW just launched it’s 3rd annual campaign. This year’s theme, “Stop the Clock,” is a powerful response to the statistic that every three seconds a child as young as eight years old becomes a bride.

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